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Israeli author Eshkol Nevo’s novel in three parts explores yearning and betrayal

With the passing of Meir Shalev this year and A.B. Yehoshua last year, few stellar writers remain from
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‘Fitful Sleep of Immigrants’: Novel set in S.F. peels back the layers of a gay Jew’s psyche

Set in San Francisco, “The Fitful Sleep of Immigrants” by Orlando Ortega-Medina is striking because the author manages
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New book explores ‘magical philosemitism’ in modern-day Poland

Poland’s relationship to Jewishness remains a fraught issue that stimulates much debate. (I know, having witnessed some of
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Unconventional Torah commentaries add valuable perspectives to the mix

For those of us whose primary encounter with the text of the Torah is reading along in synagogue
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New novel from ‘Family Secrets’ podcast host explores aftermath of tragedy

Unspooling long-held family secrets has become a specialty of Dani Shapiro’s. She has hosted the popular “Family Secrets”
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Pertinent Perspectives on Jewish Holiday Traditions

By Howard Freedman, Director, Jewish Community Library As we approach the New Year, Abigail Pogrebin’s My Jewish Year:
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Debut short-story collection by young Israeli writer is One Bay One Book choice

The short stories that make up Omer Friedlander’s “The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land,” this
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New books shine light on sexual abuse in Jewish world

It can be difficult to recommend books one finds deeply upsetting. But as I call attention to two
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Looking for a case to crack? Try these new Jewish-themed mystery novels

For many of us, summer reading involves books that engage us but don’t feel like work to get
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Ukraine in Jewish Imagination and Reality

By Leah Strauss, Reader Services Librarian, Jewish Community Library Thoughts of Ukraine consume me these days. Even though
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2022 Summer Reading List

We asked the team at the Jewish Community Library to put together this summer reading list to help
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Haunting story collection provides portrait of Jewish life in postwar Poland

Perhaps the most notable Jewish literary event of 2022 has been the release of the English translation of
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Three new poetry books to savor during National Poetry Month

The age of texting and tweeting has brought out the curmudgeon in me, in part because I sometimes
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‘The Murders of Moisés Ville:’ A Jewish disaster in 19th-century Argentina

Although Argentina has long housed the largest Jewish population in Latin America, Jews in the United States tend
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Jewish verses from the pandemic poetry surge

It was reported on National Public Radio last year that the Covid-19 pandemic had witnessed a dramatic increase
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Rose Katz Musical Enrichment Fund

After 17 years of serving patrons and book clubs, beloved librarian Rose Katz retired from the Jewish Community
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New books: Two portraits of French Jewish art collectors and their wartime travails

Although few of us can relate to the rarefied worlds of wealthy Jewish art collectors during the French
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New Yorker cartoonist brings to life lost Yiddish essays by European teens of 1930s

With his new book, “When I Grow Up: The Lost Autobiographies of Six Yiddish Teenagers,” the New Yorker
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One Bay One Book pick ‘The Hidden Palace’ explores assimilation through fantasy

In 2013, Pleasanton author Helene Wecker published her first novel, “The Golem and the Jinni,” about an unlikely
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Dig into Jerusalem’s subterranean history with new nonfiction and graphic novel

Jerusalem has a particularly fraught archaeological heritage, with the battle over the city’s present and future reflected in
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New short story collections: Imaginative fairy tales and affecting Israeli tales

It’s always rewarding when a story collection feels like more than the sum of its parts, as is
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New books: The nearly forgotten world of Jewish folk healing

My father’s sister Sandra suffered terribly from lupus. After Sandra fell into a long coma as a teenager,
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70 years later, Ethel Rosenberg reemerges in a new biography and novel

Nearly 70 years after their execution for having allegedly passed atomic secrets to the USSR, Ethel and Julius
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Looking back on Nazi era in newly reissued novels from 1930s

There is no shortage of fiction set in the Nazi era being written today, and most serious attempts
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Dwell in the past with 2 new books, including Cynthia Ozick’s latest

The writings of the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors frequently convey not only the pain their grandparents endured but
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New books: Grandkids of Holocaust survivors grapple with trauma and silence

The writings of the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors frequently convey not only the pain their grandparents endured but
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Jewish literature takes a turn toward adventure in two recent novels

One does not conventionally turn first to Jewish literature to satisfy a thirst for adventure stories. Nevertheless, the
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Family histories open new windows on historical events

What makes books on family history so compelling for me is that they offer a fresh and personal
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Two new books burrow into Yiddish and the ‘language of thieves’

As languages have lives of their own, with arcs that dwarf the lifespans of their speakers, it feels
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Short stories deserve our attention — especially these

While the short story is a classic literary form, it can also feel like a somewhat beleaguered one.
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‘The Lost Shtetl’ and ‘The Orchard’: 2 new novels of Jewish culture shock

‘The Lost Shtetl’ and ‘The Orchard’: 2 new novels of Jewish culture shock Books coverage is supported by
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Gripping memoirs by writers who aren’t exactly famous

Gripping memoirs by writers who aren’t exactly famous – J. Books coverage is supported by a generous grant
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What became of Queen Vashti? One Bay One Book program tackles ‘The Book of V.’

Whither Vashti? One Bay One Book program tackles ‘The Book of V.’ The Jewish Community Library has chosen
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New Israeli novels explore the weight of memory

New Israeli novels explore the weight of memory – J. Memory informs every aspect of Jewish existence. The
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On the Riviera, in Bolivia … Jewish historical fiction that travels

On the Riviera, in Bolivia … Jewish historical fiction that travels – J. Two new coming-of-age novels set
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Secrets kept, secrets revealed as the main character dies in two debut novels

Secrets kept, secrets revealed in two debut novels Books coverage is supported by a generous grant from The
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Search for Lost Bible Scrolls brings San Francisco Author Back Home

Search for Lost Bible Scrolls brings San Francisco Author Back Home The Federation is pleased to announce that
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New biographies paint portraits of two Jewish luminaries (one with S.F. ties)

New biographies paint portraits of two Jewish luminaries Books coverage is supported by a generous grant from The
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Daughters of the Holocaust uncover old stories in new memoirs

Daughters of the Holocaust uncover old stories in new memoirs – J. Jews place a premium on remembering,
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Two authors delight in the remnants of generations past

Two authors delight in the remnants of generations past – J. How can we draw meaning from the
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New Jewish poetry books to accompany you through isolation

New Jewish poetry books to accompany you through isolation – J. Although one of the thrills of poetry
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Newly translated from French, these two Holocaust memoirs are a treasure

Newly translated from French, these two Holocaust memoirs are at reasure Books coverage is supported by a generous
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Leaving Orthodoxy: personal stories of gender and Hasidism

Leaving Orthodoxy: personal stories of gender and Hasidism – J. Books coverage is supported by a generous donation
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In the 2010s, Jewish children’s books diversified but emphasized classic values

In the 2010s, Jewish children’s books diversified but emphasized classic values – J. Books coverage is supported by
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Hanukkah gift guide to graphic novels, picture books and young adult novels

Hanukkah gift guide to graphic novels, picture books and young adult novels – J. The books section is
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Genealogy ‘mavens’ go old-school to uncover Jewish past

Genealogy ‘mavens’ go old-school to uncover Jewish past – J. Final part of three-part PAST LIVES series on
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Two Israeli novelists explore truth and integrity

Two Israeli novelists explore truth and integrity – J. The books section is supported by a generous donation
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Rediscovering S.F.’s pioneering 19th-century ‘girl reporter’

Rediscovering S.F.’s pioneering 19th-century ‘girl reporter’ – J. The books section is supported by a generous donation from
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