Rose Katz Musical Enrichment Fund

After 17 years of serving patrons and book clubs, beloved librarian Rose Katz retired from the Jewish Community Library in December 2021. In honor of her service and her love of music, a fund has been established by Jewish LearningWorks and the Friends of the Jewish Community Library to support the Library’s future music-related programs and acquisitions.

If you were touched by Rose’s dedication, knowledge and presence, we invite you to make a gift to the Rose Katz Musical Enrichment Fund.

We are honored to celebrate her and keep the music playing!

New books: Two portraits of French Jewish art collectors and their wartime travails

Although few of us can relate to the rarefied worlds of wealthy Jewish art collectors during the French Third Republic, two recent books reinforce some profound lessons there are to learn from their experiences.

In “The Vanished Collection,” Pauline Baer de Perignon records her investigation into the legacy of her Frankfurt-born great-grandfather, Jules Strauss, who moved to Paris in 1881 and became a notable figure in the art world. The book is translated from French by Natasha Lehrer.